Last weekend, I made up LL-style race-classes for all the major races of the Realms in the 4e era. I'm loving how quick and simple it is to make things for this game - it's a breath of fresh air after years of running d20, where the most basic things drag down into mind-numbing drudge work.
Anyway, here they are for anyone who might find them useful:
Requirements: STR 9, CHA 10
Prime Requisite: STR
HD: d8 (+2 HP per level above 9)
XP: As Magic-User
Maximum Level: 12
Armour and Weapons: Any, but standard armour doesn't fit; custom armour is required costing double or more.
Attacks: As Fighter
Saves: As Dwarf/Halfling, but replace the "Breath Attacks" column with a duplicate of the "Poison or Death" column.
Special Abilities: Dragonborn are trained in techniques to fight dragons and gain a +1 to hit against them, increasing to +2 at level 7 and +3 at level 11. They gain Draconic as a bonus language.
Dragonborn also have a breath weapon of their own, of a single type like a true dragon chosen at character creation (for example, a cone of fire like a red dragon). This does 1d6 damage, usable once per day, with half the area of the true dragon's breath weapon. The damage improves to 2d6 at level 4, and 3d6 at level 8. The dragonborn gets two uses per day at level 2, three at level 6, and four at level 12. The area increases to the true dragon's at level 10. Targets gain a saving throw versus Breath Attack for half damage. Dragonborn are immune to the effects of their own breath attack, as well as the same kind of breath attack from other dragons and dragonborn. They are further immune to ordinary instances of a similar nature to their attack. For instance, a dragonborn with a red dragon type breath weapon is immune to all ordinary fire. However, dragonborn will sustain half damage from magical based attacks that are similar to the nature of their breath attacks. A dragonborn with blue dragon breath, for instance, will not suffer damage from a natural lightning strike, but will suffer half damage from the spell lightning bolt.
At 9th level, a Dragonborn can become a leader among his kind, equivalent to a Fighter of equal level.
Adventuring dwarves in the Realms are either Gold Dwarves or Shield Dwarves. Both use the Dwarf class without modifications.
The choice of subrace modifies the core Elf class:
Drow (Dark) Elf: Drow are limited to chainmail or lighter armour and no shield, but can Move Silently and Hide in Shadows as a Thief of equal level. They do not cast spells like a typical Elf, but can invoke Darkness (reversed Light as the Magic-User spell), Faerie Fire (lights up a target giving all attackers +2 to hit them and negating benefit of invisibility or concealment, 120' range, no save), and/or Levitate (as the Magic-User spell), up to a total number of combined uses equal to the Drow's level per day. Drow also gain a +4 bonus to all saving throws against magic, and resist all effects of a spell on a successful save even if it would normally still do half damage (but Drow still don't get a save against effects that don't allow a saving throw). Drow have infravision to 120'. Instead of the Elf bonus languages, they get Drow and Undercommon.
Moon (Silver) Elf: Moon Elves use the default Elf class.
Sun (Gold) Elf: Sun Elves are limited to chainmail or lighter armour and no shield, but with their deep knowledge of the arcane they can use magical items allowable to any other class (even clerical scrolls), alignment, etc.
Wild (Green) Elf: Wild Elves are limited to leather (or no) armour and no shield, but have the ability to hide like a Halfling. Their spells come from the Clerical spell list (not the Magic User/Elf list) and they know all available spells like a Cleric. When using a bow, they gain one additional attack per round.
Wood (Copper) Elf: Wood Elves are limited to studded leather or lighter armour and can use a shield, but have the ability to hide like a Halfling. Their spells can be prepared and cast from any mixture of both the Magic-User and Cleric spell lists; they know all spells from the Cleric list, but must learn Magic-User spells as normal.
Requirements: CON 12
Prime Requisites: STR and CON. Both at 13+ gives +5% XP, STR 13+ and CON 16+ gives +10% XP.
HD: d6
XP: As Elf
Maximum Level: 10
Armour and Weapons: All
Attacks: As Fighter
Saves: As Elf
Special Abilities: Genasi choose a single elemental aspect (air, earth, fire or water) at character creation, and have magical abilities dependent on their choice. Air genasi do not need air to breathe, earth genasi have a -1 AC bonus for hard skin, fire genasi are immune to normal fire and take half damage from magical fire, and water genasi can breathe underwater and move underwater as fast as on land. All genasi have 60' infravision.
Genasi also gain spell-like abilites depending on their element that they can invoke twice per day each, all from the Magic-User spell list, once they reach the required level (in brackets).
Air: Floating Disc (1), Levitate (3), Fly (5), Arcane Eye(7), Cloudkill (9)
Earth: Shield (1), Locate Object (3), Protection from Normal Missiles (5), Polymorph Self (7), Passwall (9)
Fire: Light (1), Continual Light (3), Fireball (5), Wall of Fire (7), Conjure Elemental: fire only (9)
Water: Sleep (1), Mirror Image (3), Water Breathing (5), Wall of Ice (7), Transmute Rock to Mud (9)
At level 10, the genasi gains a secondary elemental aspect, adding all the base abilities of both. The second aspect doesn't add more castings, just options - for example, a Fire/Water Genasi can cast Light or Sleep twice per day, or once each, etc., but these don't need to be prepared.
Half-elves choose from human classes, and are handled like humans in the game mechanics except that they gain the Elf abilities of infravision 60', the increased ability to detect secret doors, and immunity to ghoul paralysis. They also get the Elf bonus languages plus Common and their local language; this is Chondathan, Damaran, Thayan, or Untheric, defaulting to the region where the character begins play (Chondathan in the Dalelands). Half-Elves gain a bonus -1 Reaction Adjustment, cumulative with any modifier from Charisma.
They pay for this with a 10% XP penalty, cumulative with any XP modifer from INT (for example a half-elf with 13 INT has a net -5% modifier to earned XP).
There are two subraces of Halfling adventurers:
Lightfoot: limited to studded leather or lighter armour and may use a shield, but can Move Silently and Hide in Shadows as a Thief (may hide as a Thief or as a Halfling, whichever is better at the time).
Strongheart: use the default Halfling class.
Both subraces speak both Common and their local language; this is Chondathan, Damaran, Thayan, or Untheric, defaulting to the region where the character begins play (Chondathan in the Dalelands). Both subraces can use slings for 1d6 damage (i.e. the damage is not reduced for the weapon's size).
Humans in the Realms speak both Common and their local language; this is Chondathan, Damaran, Thayan, or Untheric, defaulting to the region where the character begins play (Chondathan in the Dalelands).
Requirements: DEX 9, INT 9
Prime Requisites: DEX and INT. Either at 13+ gives +5% XP, both at 13+ gives +10% XP.
HD: d4
XP: As Magic-User
Maximum Level: 10
Armour and Weapons: All weapons, no armour or shield.
Attacks: As Thief
Saves: As Magic-User
Special Abilities: Tieflings have infravision to 60', and have a +4 bonus to saving throws against fire, cold, and electricity. They have Abyssal as a bonus language. They can use all Thief skills (except Pick Pockets, but including Backstab) as a Thief one level lower (minimum level 1). They can learn and cast spells as a Magic-User, and automatically know one spell per character level but cannot learn spells by any means besides gaining levels. The spell known at level 1 must be Protection from Evil.